Dual Motor Driver Kit for Raspberry Pi DRV8835

Dual Motor Driver Kit for Raspberry Pi DRV8835

Dual Motor Driver Kit for Raspberry Pi DRV8835

Note: The Raspberry Pi shown in these images is NOT included.


This motor driver kit and its corresponding Python library make it easy to control a pair of bidirectional, brushed DC motors with a Raspberry Pi Model B+, Model A+, or Pi 2/3 Model B.

The expansion board features Texas Instruments’ DRV8835 dual H-bridge motor driver IC, which allows it to operate from 1.5 V to 11 V and makes it particularly well suited for driving small, low-voltage motors.

The board can deliver a continuous 1.2 A per channel and tolerate peak currents up to 1.5 A per channel for a few seconds, and the channels can be optionally configured to run in parallel to deliver twice the current to a single motor.

The board ships fully populated with its SMD components, including the DRV8835 driver and a FET for reverse battery protection; header pins for interfacing with a Raspberry Pi and terminal blocks for connecting motors and power are included but are not soldered in (see the Assembly with included hardware section below).






Recommended links

Python library for the Pololu DRV8835 Dual Motor Driver Kit for Raspberry Pi

This Python library for the Raspberry Pi makes it easy to interface with Pololu’s DRV8835 dual motor driver kit and use it to drive a pair of brushed DC motors. An example program is included with the library.

Texas Instruments DRV8835 product page

Texas Instruments product page for the DRV8835, where you can find the latest datasheet and additional resources.


Schematic Diagram for the Motor Driver Kit


Size:1.7″ × 0.65″1
Weight:2.3 g1

General specifications

Motor driver:DRV8835
Motor channels:2
Minimum operating voltage:1.5 V2
Maximum operating voltage:11 V
Continuous output current per channel:1.2 A3
Peak output current per channel:1.5 A
Continuous paralleled output current:2.4 A3
Maximum PWM frequency:250 kHz
Reverse voltage protection?:Y


1 Without included hardware.

2 The DRV8835 itself has a minimum motor supply voltage of 0 V, but the board's reverse-voltage protection circuit limits the minimum to 1.5 V.

3 Typical results with 100% duty cycle at room temperature.


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  • Views: 20980
  • Product Code: Dual Motor Driver Kit for Raspberry Pi DRV8835
  • Availability: In Stock
  • AUD $19.95

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